Counting Down The Days

I will always miss the days, that we had joy and fun. Although time will pass away, but our beautiful days will be endless.

Location: Hong Kong

Monster will always kills monsters. Yes, I am a monster for chocolate. ~.~

Monday, June 12, 2006

Good Bye Krystal in Wonderland - our Uni's life in Melbourne

I just woke up from my bed. I immediately think of that it is my lunch time with Krystal. After few seconds, I realised that my best friend Krystal were gone last night.

We went to shop and eat in lots of places last week. Maybe I have spent the time on her almost everyday. So I didn't really feel she was leaving Melbourne to KL for good. Even she got in to the taxi with Auntie Connie.

So I just kept chatting with my friends in MSN, after Anthony, Jimmy, Nelson, Richie and I sent them to downstair. And then, I received a SMS message from Krystal. She said she would miss me a lot, she knew the life will not be the same without me and asked me to remember her. At that moment, I felt very down. The message reminds me that I really can't see Krystal much around me again. Good Luck, Krystal. Please staring in Malaysia.

Monday, June 05, 2006


材料:A 蛋黃 2 隻 砂糖 30 克 牛奶 90 毫升 薑汁 2 湯匙 麵粉 20 克 
材料:B蛋白 4隻砂糖 20 克
1. 蛋黃加入30克糖打勻,加入已篩好的麵粉攪勻成糊狀 ;
2. 牛奶煮熱,加入麵糊中快手攪勻,座於熱水上不停攪至稠糊,放凍後加入薑汁拌勻 ;
3. 蛋白打至起泡,放下20克糖,再打至企身,加入麵糊中混合 ;
4. 將麵糊放入焗杯中,約8成滿,入焗爐以200C焗12分鐘取出,撒上糖霜即成 。

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Goodbye Alice in Wonderland - Jewel

So goodbye Alice in Wonderland
Goodbye yellow brick road
There is a difference between dreaming and pretending
That was not love in your eyes
It was only a reflectionOf my lonely mind searching
for whats been missing in my life
And growing up is not the absence of dreaming
Its being able to understand the difference between
The ones you can hold and the ones that you've been sold

Dreaming is a good thing
Cause it brings new things to lifePretending is an ending
That perpetuates a lieForgetting what you are
Seeing for what you've been told
Truth is stranger than fiction
This is my chance to get it rightand life is much better
Without all of those pretty lies

So goodbye Alice in Wonderlandand you can keep your yellow brick road
There is a difference between dreaming and pretending
these are not tears in my eyes
they are only a reflection
Of my lonely mind finding
they are only a reflection
Of my lonely mind finding
i found whats missing in my life
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