Counting Down The Days

I will always miss the days, that we had joy and fun. Although time will pass away, but our beautiful days will be endless.

Location: Hong Kong

Monster will always kills monsters. Yes, I am a monster for chocolate. ~.~

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My right eye

What's wrong with my right eye? This is the first question I asked myself in this morning at 6am. God !! I only slept for 4 hours. I just don't understand why I suddenly got the insomnia. The terrible thing is my right eye is infected by something. So I just waited until 9 something. And then, I bought the eye drops in the QV pharmacy. It costs me 20 dollars. For safety reason, I have also made an appointment with the doctor in RMIT University. The appointment is made at tomorrow morning....=.=" Why Melbournian doctors are always fulling booking? How come people always get sick?


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