Counting Down The Days

I will always miss the days, that we had joy and fun. Although time will pass away, but our beautiful days will be endless.

Location: Hong Kong

Monster will always kills monsters. Yes, I am a monster for chocolate. ~.~

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I have got a job

Monday is always the most busy day for me. I have got full day classes on Monday. They don't even give me a break, the classes are just on and on. OKay^^ I know i will be fine with it. I have seen the course coordinator, Grame today. OMG, I really think I own this man a lot. He really helped me a lot. If he did not give me a hand on the changing course procedure, i would totally be messed up. Maybe i would get worry with myself at home. =.=" However, he really gave me lots of support. I know he has already done his best.

Valene and I went to a job interview in Caulfield in the evening. They have offered me 2 positions, sneak bar attendant and Customer Serviese/event staffs. Certainly, i did work hard to show the manager, I am gonna do well in the event. And then, he replied me "Ok! Not a probelm." I still couldn't believe what I have done in this interview, while I was going back to home. I think I am getting more cheeky. How can I talk to the manager in front of many people? "I believe I can do my best in the event, please give me a chance in this Melbourne racing event." wahhahahaha~~~ So nice. I have already signed the contract with them. And i am gonna have an induction next Friday. Hopefully, i can get more work experiences in the event management.

Richie, Brain, Kelvin, Irene, Krystal, Valene, Nelson and I went to the night market in RMIT University. There are lots of yummy foods in booths. Their prices are fairly good. I perticularly like the dutch with Maple syrup, honey and butter. We went home at 10:00pm. i just did not expect we will spend 3 hours on the night food market. After that, Krystal, Valene and Richie came to my home. We watched the HK TV program together. It is really good for Richi to develop his future career.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn.... i miss the night market ar..... and gd luck with ur job la... and my ass ho pain ar.....


1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa~~ U've been updating yr blog pretty regular nowadays eh?!>.. I love it, keep it up!! See ya later!

5:35 PM  

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