Counting Down The Days

I will always miss the days, that we had joy and fun. Although time will pass away, but our beautiful days will be endless.

Location: Hong Kong

Monster will always kills monsters. Yes, I am a monster for chocolate. ~.~

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Typhoon Signal no.8

I believe my boss, Miss Beatrice Mok, would like me to be a better man in the business world. So she hopes me to finish my job duties in high standard.

Sometime she is very kind to me. Sometime she blames me like typhoon signal no.8 in HK.

However, I smiled to her. Because I want to show her that I respect her command or hided my inner feeling - Shame on me that i could not match the standard. She replied, 'I don't think it is interesting, nothing for laughing.'

Monday, August 13, 2007


huhu~~ I have not updated this blog for 3 months. Lots of things happened and they mean so much to me. Firstly, I finished my probation with Great Moments Limited. I really learned a lot from this job, whatever the job skill and the way I spoke to my clients, boss and colleagues. The conditions of my new employment contract are exceeded my expectation.

And then, I watched the concert of Christina Aquilera with my beloved Seacow in Asia World Expo. Her voice is really impressive but I don't really like the new songs of her > . <

During these months, I have received the post card from my sexy CC. It is really touching. The timing is just perfectly suitable for my mood at that moment. Actually, I really love to receive the post cards and letter from my friends. :P

In addition, my company has cooperated with Bobbi Brown. That's the first mass media event I have been involving with external clients v^o^v

Thank you for posting me the beautiful cook books from Melbourne, PK Katie.

Finally, I successfully applied for my annuel leave. And Seacow and I are heading to KL at the begin of october. I can't wait to see Miss Peach and FBT.

I wish you all well.
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