Counting Down The Days

I will always miss the days, that we had joy and fun. Although time will pass away, but our beautiful days will be endless.

Location: Hong Kong

Monster will always kills monsters. Yes, I am a monster for chocolate. ~.~

Sunday, October 30, 2005

有冇人有 "潛意識 " 這首歌?

搞定我 其實不難 只是你 太懶
有時愛需要手段 耍些花樣很浪漫
你和我的第一章你都在 逃亡
孤單單 讀到一半不覺心酸
紅眼眶 表面上恨你
潛意識 愛你 我臉上不在意
可是心底 已經 下了好多天雨哭
心在哭 忍不住 淚眼模糊
不認輸 裝迷糊好想 換個人投入 哦 哭 心太苦
漸漸地 習慣晝伏夜出

Saturday, October 29, 2005


星期四晚, 吃過晚餐, 便到了Lygon Street會合Cookie, Cookie的男友Oliver 同埋yakult食雪糕, 金沙雪糕真是正到爆炸, 每次我也會必order的, 很希望我香港的家人也有機會試. 之後我地去 Mai thai 飲野, 我叫了"Moonlight",這杯飲品是冇酒精的, 好好味. 12點後, 我們便為Oliver唱Happy Birthday和食蛋糕. 講起來, 這是我第一次和oliver傾計, 相信他很想死, 因為我的普通話勁掂, 十個字有九個錯, 還有謝謝他告訴我玩鋤大D的心得, 我會努力學, whahahahaha; 假如我仲想玩@@

這兩天, 有很多大大小小的事情, 令我很疲累, 也許是我過份天真, 實在想得太遠. 要努力沖出我的final assignment of this semester.

Friday, October 28, 2005

有隻雀仔 薛凱琪

下雨天 下了七晚成洪水城內各人也沖  
倦鳥逼降叢林也被漩渦捲 大勢趨 
洪流下 童年做過的夢已無力再追自幼貪高騖遠要出  
何事置身污水裡原來實情不像所盼 又能怪誰

*地闊天高任鳥飛 掉進水中怎
飄浮百萬里(世事難完美 只能靠自己)
夢會醒 被冷水照頭淋醒強在我們會適應 

爭一口氣 不可能騰飛 

有隻雀仔跌落水 跌落水 
跌落水有隻雀仔跌落水 游水歸

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Peach's 21st birthday

Krystal is 21 years old now. Friends and I had a good meal with her in South Yarra on 24 October 2005. Oh my god, I really love the foods in that restaurant. We have ordered 2 favourite dishes of Peach. They are "golden prawns" and "Seafood hot pot with white sauce." We had held a ultimate party for her on 25 Oct 2005. Actually, I was so exciting about it since we planned for her. We hope to make an unforgetable night for our spring peach. We have discussed how to decorate the house, what gifts we should buy, what cake she likes and what foods we should choose. We try to make it 99 out of 100.

As Krystal requested, all of us wore the top with black/white/yellow but not other colour and short pants. The celebration is like a PR launch function. It was orderly set by us. I am so sorry about Gary and Michele. I have asked them to make some special pics to Krystal and printed it out for them. However, the photos have been chopped off. It did not look like the original design of them. Anyway, i know Krystal was really really happy about the photos. I hope she enjoy it last night.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Don't forget about us

Hello, all my dear friends, I have not updated this blog for a while. I don't know why I am lacked of energy for it. Maybe I am afraid to face that you guys are leaving for good. Lots of things happened to me in this month. Thank you so much for being part of treasure memories.

I have already said thousand times that, 'I miss you.' I do mean it. I know we cannot go to the class together. We cannot spend the fun weekend with each other. We cannot cook the meal for our dinner. We cannot laugh at each other. We cannot celebrate our birthday, the Christmax, the new year eve and the school holiday. We cannot talk crap things with each other, since you guys been gone. At least, we have experienced it. All good comes the end. Those life pictures will always be captured in my brain.

Give you guys a big hug, don't forget about us.
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